version=0.9.4 overridesNative=false type=m credits=Marko, Mark, Theretor, Darth Mongol, Dohzdik, and Funky Shirt description=Bear Force II changes the Medieval Sandbox RPG game that is Warband in a Sci-Fi multiplayer only tactical shooter taking place in the Star Wars Universe. Bear Force II consists out of 6 factions, a unique shooting and force system which work extremely well together, as well as a wide variety of classes to fit your preferred playstyle! From a normal infantry man to classes like sniper or heavy, or from jumping around as a Jedi/Sith using force jump to traveling large distances using a jetpack trooper! All of this packed in one of the most advanced multiplayer Warband shooters out there! Take part in huge battles playing as your favourite factions from Star Wars!